About Us
American Air Ambulance and its emergency air care service is the trusted leader for medical air transportation internationally.
- Our service providers have safely flown over 72,000 patients worldwide since 1986.
- The experience of our staff and crews make it easy for you to arrange for the best flight, the best service and the best cost.
- Contact a flight consultant for free, no-obligation advice.
Air Medical Care Services
Call us for immediate answers to air ambulance, medevac, emergency air lift transportation, medical air transport, or patient escort questions. Your medical air transportation questions will be answered by our team of courteous, professional personnel that can assist you in multiple languages and there is never any obligation.
Medical Escort
Our trained medical assistants on board the aircraft work hard to make our patients and customers feel comfortable throughout the course of their flight.
Amtrak Train Escort
One of our most cost effective means of patient transport is Amtrak Medical Escort. Prices are well below air and long distance ground transport.
Air Ambulance
American Air Ambulance provides unequaled value in executive service, aircraft quality, reliability and dependability that you expect from a world-class air ambulance service.
Long Distance Ground
For inter-facility transports under two hundred miles, air transport is not cost effective. In addition, some non-critical patients prefer the cost savings of longer distance ground transport.

Our Safety Record
American Air Ambulance is committed to the highest safety standards when referring and transporting their customers and their loved ones with medevac stat air transportation.
- Our medical transportation safety record continues to be the highest in the international air ambulance industry.
- Our Air Ambulance Service providers are staffed with Certified Air Medical Transport Professionals who specialize in long distance air medical transportation via worldwide medical transportation charters and patient escort services.
- Our Air Medical Transport price guarantee assures that your family will receive air ambulance services at prices competitive with any medivac or emergency air lift flight choices worldwide.
American Air Ambulance has received many letters from families expressing gratitude. Some of the comments we have received are paraphrased below.
My husband and I wanted to thank you and your whole staff for the caring concern that you showed us. The professional manner that you all had was coupled with a warm concern that we both felt.

Dr. & Mrs. Duane Schultz
Francstown, NH
My wife and I were impressed with your efficiency in arranging the ground and air transportation, and with your empathy and understanding of our concerns for my father's welfare.

Polly S. Freeze
Clearwater, FL
I would highly recommend your company to anyone who needed your service. You have the most caring crew I have ever met. They took great care of my grandfather and made my mother's flight back home safe and comfortable.

Maribel Lee
Scotch Plains, NJ
Agradezco enormemente todo lo que hiciste por mi hermana. La atencion que le dieron fue excelente, sinceramente losfelicito por su servicio, y a ti te admiro por ese sentido humanitario quemostraste en todo momento

Juan Giovannetti M.
Bogota, Columbia
Just wanted to say thank you for making a very difficult time for Alta Rufton and her brother, Robert Hinkle as easy as possible. You helped us fulfill Alta's last wish of returning to her true home. Thanks again for your kindness.

John Janneillo
Rochester, NY
Get A Quote Today
There are many types of transportation available. To help you select the most appropriate air ambulance method, please request a quote.
Contact Us
We are available 24 hours a day, year round. American Air Ambulance is at your disposal for immediate care.